Massage Therapy is a fulfilling field that centers around the well being of others. At Willowbrook
Massage Academy we believe a great education doesn’t have to be expensive and we strive to deliver the necessary tools to our students so they can gain the confidence, knowledge, and skill set to promote a relaxing and beneficial Massage, without strapping themselves financially to high tuition. We offer our students the flexibility of online learning with the structure of in person hands on training, the best of both worlds.
Our full Certified Massage Therapist (CMT) program features not only online content but small hands-on class sizes in order to provide personalized learning and one on one coaching. Our Course is a total of 650 credited hours of Massage Theory and Bodywork, Kinesiology,
Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology, Business and Ethics of massage, Sanitation and Sterilization,
Massage Technique, and Clinical Practicum, preparing the student for the MBlex National test.
Our Mission is to provide outstanding massage education by teaching effective techniques and the
knowledge of the human body and to prepare our students for a rewarding and amazing
career with in the industry, while still maintaining schedule flexibility.
At the completion of all courses,
Willowbrook Massage Academy graduates will be Certified and fully prepared to take the Mblex and to begin practicing as
professional massage therapists.